Monday, February 28, 2011

Review: Thirsty Dog Hoppus Maximus

This beer's name will not disappoint! The complex character of American hops and amber colored caramel malts make this beer very crisp and refreshing. Silver Medal winner at the 2001 Great American Beer Festival.
IBU's 43 
5.9 ABV
     I have never heard of Thirsty Dog until today to be honest. So I came into this one with no opinion at all which is fabulous. Deemed a American-Style Amber Ale really confused me after first taste. Seems like an IPA to me but who am I. I just drink them I don't label them.
     It starts of with some light caramel malts and launches into the hops which easily overpower the malt but are not overwhelming in nature. A nice light and smooth beer which is extremely easy to drink. I turned six into two in no time at all! I am not sure where I can find more Thirsty Dog brews but I will be on the lookout.
Analyst Score: 8 

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