Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Review: Hoppin' Frog Silk Porter

Dark, robust and silky-smooth, with many flavors of roasted, toasted and caramel malts. Porter is an old-world beer style, so popular that it helped start the industrial revolution. Taste the history.
6.2% a/v | 70 OG (16.9°P) | 26 IBU 

    I stumbled across this brewery a few months ago. I was eager to try it after I discovered they brewed it in my home state. The great state of Ohio in Akron. I found it at the local Total Wine store last week in NC and couldn't wait to crack it open. 
    My first encounter with Hoppin' Frog went as I had hoped. The silk porter lives up to it's name. Every so often you have a beer and say what else could they have possibly named it. This silk porter falls into that category. Hoppin' delivered the absolute smoothest porter I have ever tasted. Its as smooth as "silk" with great caramel and roasted flavors! This beer is fit for king. Maybe they could have named it Suave Porter but that doesn't sound as smooth as silk. I am now on the prowl to find other delightful beers brewed by the boys in Akron at  Hoppin' Frog.

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