Monday, October 31, 2011

Back from Las Vegas vacation!

  As always it a fun trip to Vegas! This was the first time I had been in search of some new brews to try though. The first beer I found was the Tenaya Creek Hop ride which was pretty solid and for a good price. It was a decent hop ride but could have had a little more punch.
   The next stop was a brewery off of Fremont St. called Triple 7. I grabbed one of their porters which was exactly what I needed after a excessive amount of BL. It was the Black Chip porter it had some nice coffee flavors and a hint of chocolate. A great change of pace yet not overpowering.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Review: Left Hand Fade to Black 2011

The description: Dried fruit flavors entwined with smoky pepper and licorice embossed on roasty malt sweetness open on your tongue as the slow warmth of chilis creep up on your tongue and throat, finishing in an herbal smoke ring flourish.-left hand brewing co.
 The 3rd volume of Fade to Black has found me. I loved the 2nd volume it was a fantastic smoked baltic porter . This year they decided to go with a peeper porter for FTB. I would have to say that I liked the baltic porter better but the pepper porter is unique. It comes off a little simple to me with roasted malts. Then turns to a semi-sweet and a grand smokey finish. I loved the finish! I can't wait to see what is in store for Vol 4.